240 kilometers of cycling pleasure in NRW, more precisely between Sauerland and the Ruhrgebiet.
No other river in Germany combines (industrial) culture and nature in such a small space as the RuhrtalRadweg. Starting from the source of the Ruhr at the Ruhrkopf near Winterberg, the most diverse experiences are strung together like a string of pearls all the way to the Rhine Orange in Duisburg.
On this website you will find all the information you need about the 4**** quality cycle route.
Have fun browsing and of course we look forward to hearing from you, either by email or on Facebook or Instagram!
Der RuhrtalRadweg gehört zu den schönsten Flussradwegen Deutschlands! Aber auch andere Flüsse haben hübsche Ufer und diese Flussradwege führen Euch auf Eurem Sattel zu den schönsten Ecken unseres Landes.